More about Roving Blue and our "Power of EO3" Electrolytic Ozone Water PurificationTechnology:

All About Ozone Water Purification for Home and Travel:

Most people only understand ozone as some layer in the sky with a hole in it.  Or, it is an air pollutant that you get warnings about.

While both of those things are true, what most people don't know, is that if you take ozone and dissolve it into water, you create a sanitizing solution that is far more powerful than chlorine.

So, it is really good at killing things like viruses, bacteria, molds.  The neat thing about ozone, is that it is very short-lived. In fact, as soon as it is produced, its starts reverting back to ordinary oxygen.  So it is fast emerging as a very cool, natural, non-chemical, and sustainable way to purify water and to clean things.

What is Ozone? 

Generated from sunlight, ultraviolet rays and lightning, ozone is a form of oxygen with an extra oxygen atom, it is "O3" instead of "O2" . It is often referred to as "nature’s disinfectant". In fact, many people notice that ozone has a distinctive sweet odor, that is the smell after a summer rainstorm - that's because because lightning is one way ozone is produced in nature.

Ozone is a natural way of controlling viral, bacterial, mold and fungal growth in our environment. Ozone has been proven to have a much higher disinfection potential compared to almost all other disinfectants available for use today. It can quickly kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, including those causing food spoilage or human diseases.

Not much of a reader?

Watch a 5 minute presentation by our CEO Yana DeMyer as she explains the technology behind our ozone-pen and home ozone water purification pod to a crowd at Georgia Pacific's "Studio 1915 Pitch Night" at their Neenah, Wisconsin technical center. 

Prefer podcasts?

Listen to this iHeart Radio Podcast with Eric Paulsen when the company was just getting started. 

And, here is a more recent one, by Phoenix Survival, that talks about our ozone products and how they can help you be more self sufficient when it comes to emergency preparedness.

What is the chemical make-up of ozone?

A molecule of “normal” oxygen is comprised of two atoms of oxygen bonded together (O2). Ozone (O3) is created by our process,  which attaches a third oxygen atom to the oxygen molecule. As the newly formed ozone molecule is used up, (either by attacking impurities or through normal degradation), it is changed back to normal oxygen, leaving no harmful by-products in your water. Ozone has been proven to have a much higher disinfection potential compared to all other disinfectants available for use today. 

How are Roving Blue's devices different from all the others?

To make ozone, you need oxygen.  Our ozone generators are electrolytic ozone generators. They are so different, we trademarked the term "Power of EO3". Almost all other ozone generators are based on older technologies that use oxygen that is in the air that we breathe.

They do all make ozone.  However, since it is still a gas, if you want to use it in water, you have a problem.  You have to dissolve it by using a bubbler, like a fish tank air stone.  Its easy to see that most of that ozone is going right into the air that you are breathing, and that can irritatate your lungs.  It is just not an efficient or safe way to dissolve ozone into water.

Our ozone generators use the "O" in H2O, the water itself, to make ozone, and that ozone is dissolved directly into the water. This hugely reduces the ozone off-gassing. Technically, it is called an electrolytic ozone generator. We know that is a real mouthfull, we just called it "The Power of EO3™" and very few companies make this kind of ozone generator.  It is the new gold standard for making ozonated water, which can be used to not only purify the water, (it will make your water smell and taste better), or it can be used to purify things, like fruits and veggies. Have a look at our Youtube Channel to see some in action.

Is using ozone technology safe?

Yes. Unlike other water treatment processes, oxidation is a natural, chemical-free process that produces zero wastewater and leaves behind oxygen molecules like the ones in the air we breathe. Thousands of cities worldwide including London, Moscow, Paris, Singapore, Los Angeles, and Milwaukee, to name a few, have been using ozone water treatment systems for many years. Most top water bottling companies also rely heavily on ozone technology to disinfect bottles and provide clean, safe water for consumers.

 How is ozone different from chemical treatments?

Ozone destroys microorganisms instantly and effectively without leaving harmful residues in treated food or processing water. Therefore, ozone is safer and environmentally friendlier than most other antimicrobials. Ozone kills bacteria faster than chlorine.

 Where can ozone water treatment be used most effectively?

Ozone treatment can be used for a wide variety of applications. Commercial uses of ozone include purification of drinking water, sterilization of medical instruments and devices, decontamination of fresh produce, and food preservation. Ozone also is useful in removing odors, and not just in drinking water.

How does ozone work? 

The third oxygen atom of ozone makes it extremely reactive. This atom readily attaches itself to other molecules. When contaminants such as odors, bacteria or viruses make contact with ozone, their chemical structure is changed. As more ozone attacks the remaining compounds, the odor is eventually destroyed. This process is called oxidation. Ozone essentially reverts back to oxygen after it is used. This makes it a very environmentally friendly oxidant.





FDA     In 1997 the FDA approved the use of ozone as an antimicrobial agent with indirect contact with foods.

In 2002, the FDA approved ozone for use on food contact areas and directly on food with its "Generally Regarded as Safe" (GRAS) designation.

Today, the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) identifies aqueous ozone (ozone dissolved in water) as a substance that is allowed for use in organic crop and livestock production.

More resources: check out our Library of research materials. Whenever we find an ozone-related scientific paper, we try to include that paper in our library.  Here is a really good one: 

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Ozone
(Published by the EPA, about using ozone to treat wastewater

How is ozone produced? 

Before Roving Blue, there were basically only two methods of producing ozone: using ultra-violet light and a process called corona discharge. Corona discharge creates ozone by applying high voltage to a metallic grid sandwiched between two dielectrics. The high voltage passes through the dielectric to a grounded screen/plate and in the process, creates ozone from oxygen present in the chamber. 

Ultra-violet (UV) light creates ozone when a wavelength at 254 nm (nano-meters) hits an oxygen atom. Both processes split oxygen molecules into single oxygen atoms (O). These atoms combine with another oxygen molecule (O2) to form ozone (O3).

Roving Blue’s technology only works with water, and is called “Electrolytic Ozone Production”. Since that’s quite a mouthful, so we just call it “EO3”.  Our ozone generator uses a low-voltage electric current to split the water molecules to make ozone. Because the ozone is directly dissolved into the water, there is no need for bubblers or contact chambers to get the ozone into the water. This makes our method very compact and efficient, and greatly reduces the amount of ozone that gets into the air.

 How long does ozone last? 

As soon as ozone is formed in the generator and dispersed in the water, it will start to revert back to oxygen. This step occurs by several processes including the following: Oxidation reactions with an organic material such as odors or micro-organisms. Reactions with bacteria etc., consumes ozone by oxidation reactions. Additionally, ozone breaks down thermally. 

Higher temperatures destroy ozone quicker than lower temperatures. The ozone that remains is referred to as residual ozone. Residual ozone will return to oxygen quickly. Within 30 minutes, it will equal to half its starting level. After each subsequent 30-minute period there would be half as much residual ozone left at the end of the period as was present at the beginning of the period. This is similar to a geometric progression of 16;8;4;2;1. In practice the half-life is usually less than 30 minutes due to temperature, dust, and other contaminants in the water. Therefore, ozone, while very powerful, doesn't last long. It does its job and then disappears back into safe oxygen.

Can I put the ozonated water in a spray bottle and use it as a disinfectant spray, like on counter tops or cutting boards?

Yes you can!  In fact a lot of people do this.  We would say it lasts about 15 minutes.  Best way to tell is with a "sniff test", if you can still smell the ozone, its is strong enough to kill germs.  Welcome to the world of chemical free cleaning!

Will the odor come back? 

No. If ozone is applied properly it destroys the source of the odor. Treatment times may vary depending on the strength of the odor but 98% of ozone treatments are successful. In the case of mildew the odor will return if you are unable to get rid of the moisture that contributes to the growth of mildew.

How does ozone kill bacteria? 

Ozone kills bacteria by destroying the cell wall of the bacteria. This is called "lysis". Once the cell wall is destroyed, the bacteria will be unable to survive.

I'm confused, your instructions say to wait 3-5 minutes to consume the water, isn't it safe to consume right away?

It is hard to walk the fine line between doing what we do - purifying water and things with that water - and providing ozonated water for folks that want to consume it while the ozone is still active.

Right now as a company, our products are regulated by the EPA.  Our devices are classified as "Pesticide Devices".  If we stick to that and only promote our products for their ability to make water safer, and things safer, we are OK.

If we start straying anywhere near the realm of health related effects of consuming ozonated water, we would come under the purview of the FDA, and their very complex and costly regulations.

We do get, almost daily, letters from people who are so grateful for our technology and how it has helped them fight different health conditions.  From gum disease to diabetic sores on legs, to recovering from cancer treatments.  This gives us great hope for our company and its future.  However, today, we have to stick with "water purification" or "purifying things" with ozone water, period.  Hence the confusion.  In a nutshell, if you want to purify water with ozone, you must treat it, then allow a waiting period, called "contact time" for the ozone to kill the micro-organisms in the water.  That is typically 3 minutes, but we tell folks 5 just for extra time with our devices that don't have a visual cue, specifically the Ozo-pods and Ozo-Flows. (the pen and the GO-3 do have visual cues). That's what we mean by "safe to consume", that means the bugs in the water will be good and dead. It does not mean ozonated water is safe to consume while the levels are still high.

if you want to use the water to purify things such as kitchen sponges, cutting boards, etc, then you will want to use it right away, before the ozone has a chance to revert back to oxygen.

We can't make claims about "safety" of consuming ozonated water unless we actually test for it.  So we can't tell you its safe to consume, right away.

I will tell you that all the major water bottlers, Nestle, Coca-Cola and Perrier included, they all use ozone to purify their water. However, they too, avoid the issue, by making sure the ozone residual is between .1 to .4ppm at the time of bottling. 

From our Facebook page: (As long as you have made it this far, consider following our Facebook Page - we will occasionally post flash sales only for our subscribers, so its well worth your time and it really supports our company.

"I have a Roving Blue Pod 10 and I've used it a couple of times and so far it DOES NOT reduce the water ppm."

Hi, So it sounds like you are using a TDS meter that came with your house water filter.  That meter measures "Total Dissolved Solids" (more on that below), it is not a measurement of ozone. Our units are not filters and will not reduce TDS as a rule.  the 1PPM we are referring to in our literature and on our website refers to the parts-per-million of ozone.  So you will not see your TDS go down in general.  Sorry if our page sounded confusing, hope this clears it up.

What is TDS and why is it important with Roving Blue Products? 

This is a measurement of charged ions, including minerals, dissolved in water, expressed as mg/L (milligrams per liter) or as parts per million (ppm). TDS is not a measure of pollution or contamination, since most of the dissolved solids are made up of naturally found calcium and magnesium minerals. TDS is only used as an indication of aesthetics (i.e. spotting, taste, etc.). In general, higher TDS waters (also known as “mineral water”) are popular and taste great. According to the best-selling book Blue Zones, a common point in all long-lived cultures is the high mineral content of their water (around 200 mg/l). There is no doubt that mineral water is healthy for us. We obtain the minerals we need from food and water, and what our bodies do not use is expelled. Some people are led to believe that minerals in tap water can cause kidney stones – this is false. Mineral water (high TDS) has actually been shown to reduce the risk of kidney stones¹, cause favorable changes in pH, as well as inhibit calcium oxalate stone formation.²

A conductivity meter will give a rough estimate of total dissolved solids, but will not illustrate the quality of the water. Quality water means it is free of chlorine, chloramine, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and pharmaceutical residues – all of which cannot be tested for with a conductivity or TDS meter.

What are the power requirements for your products? 

Our ozo-pods are DC and can operate on 6V to 24 volts. They come standard with 110-240 12V power converters.

Our MVP utilizes an on-board 12V Lithium Iron Phosphate battery, and in lieu of that, has a power cord that can be attached to any DC voltage source from 10 to 30 volts via "alligator clips".

What do I do when scale deposits form on the electrodes? 

Tap water often contains minerals such as calcium carbonate. These minerals will accumulate on the electrodes and will cause the electrolysis process to slow down, much like a coffee maker. When the generation of ozone water appears weak , clean the electrodes at least once a year as follows:

1. Prepare a solution of tap water and regular kitchen vinegar (at a ratio of 2 to 1 water to vinegar or 5 to 1 water to citric acid, the commercial cleaner C:R also works well - follow their coffee maker instructions). 

2. Dip the ozone electrode into this solution for 1 hour. Do NOT apply power. 

3. Rinse the ozone water generator with tap water. After cleaning the electrodes, normal production volume will resume.

How Much Mg/H of ozone does this ozone generator generate? 

First of all, we can't answer the question in terms of Mg/hr, because that is a measure of ozone production that refers to units which produce ozone through corona discharge, or other methods that use gaseous oxygen in the air to make the ozone. Our units produce ozone via electrolysis. That means we direct an electric current through the water to produce ozone. We use the O in H2O to make our ozone. The bubbles produced are so tiny that the ozone mostly dissolves directly into the water. Only a very small percentage makes it out into the air. Which is another reason why folks like our products, because ozone in the air can be powerfully irritating, and should not be breathed in. (This is why there are "ozone alerts" in some cities, to warn the very young or elderly to stay indoors).

We can only measure dissolved ozone in terms of PPM, or parts per million. The PPM that the ozone will reach is affected by many things, such as temperature, PH, and what else might present in the water that the ozone will destruct itself on. 

This is why we invest in laboratory tests by world-recognized institutions such as SGS laboratories, or more recently BCS laboratories who actually place hundreds of thousands of disease agents such as e-Coli and salmonella, in the water, to prove that the levels dropped to zero after using our products as directed. 

Generally speaking, an ozo-pod will bring 10 liters of water to 1 PPM dissolved ozone within 10 minutes. This is a level lethal to any bacteria, virus, etc., if maintained for 3 minutes. So we tell folks to let it run for 15 minutes to be very sure. 

 What is your EPA pesticide registration number? 

We don't need one.  We sell "Pesticidal Devices" not an actual "Pesticide". We do have EPA Establishment numbers. The main one is is: 94576-WI-2.  You can read much more about the regulations that we must abide by, here. 

 What is the ideal use of the Ozo-Pen®?

The Ozo-Pen was designed for use with tap water anywhere in the world. It is perfect for travelers staying in hotels and eating at foreign restaurants. Or for campers/hikers/preppers who are interested in being able to use sources of fresh water around them.

Is the Ozo-Pen® like any other straw or UV pen on the market?

This unit is not a straw, it is a wand that emits ozone, a powerful germ-killer.  There are other water purification pens that are sold that use UV Light, which can look blue, however, our technology does not use light at all, it uses ozone. 

When the button is pushed, there is a bright blue LED light that does come on, to indidicate that it is working. When the light goes out, after about :40 for .5L or 8oz of water, then the water is ready to be used for sanitizing purposes. Waiting longer, till the ozone has dissipated, (this varies with water temperature and PH, usually 10-15 minutes) is when most users consume the water.
How long will an Ozo-Pen® last? 
While we do not currently have end of life data, the Ozo-Pen®'s ozone generator plates have an expected life expectancy of  at least 1,000 hours. Each use is less than a minute so this should result in thousands of uses.

Can your products run continuously? 

They can, but would have to be serviced occasionally depending on the TDS of the water you are working with. 

Does ozone affect PH? I like my water to be alkaline.

No, ozone has no effect on alkalanity.

If ozone is being created by electrolysis, then how much hydrogen is being created? Are your products okay to run in a sealed room? 

We have never measured the gaseous hydrogen that escapes, because our system does not produce large amounts of gas like the air based systems do. Most of the gases are being dissolved into the water.  Good air circulation is something we would recommend.

How do I know if the O-Pen® is no longer working or producing ozone? 

If it is fully charged and there is a light on, place it in tap water and run it - if there are no bubble clouds coming out, try placing a pinch of salt in the water. See our Support page for more troubleshooting tips.
What is the difference between the O-Pen® Silver and the O-Pen® Tactical Black? 
The difference is the external casing. The silver is a brushed stainless steel and comes with a gift box. The Tactical Black is a powder coated black matte steel casing that comes with a plastic case. The internal technology is the same. There was one comment posted by a paid negative reviewer on Amazon that referred to a "flaking black paint problem.  Be assured, there are no problems with the black paint flaking off.  
Will the Ozo-Pen® treat cloudy water? 
Cloudy water = high levels of bacteria. You should always select clear water if possible. if you are concerned, you may hit the button again and again (you can't over-ozonate water). Once you can detect the smell of ozone, it should be at a level where bacteria will be eliminated.
Are there any national standards for purification devices that would allow me to be assured that the O-Pen® is effective in purifying water?
No there aren't now as of the time of this writing, the technology is so new there really hasnt been any systems out there, for standards to be developed for. 
This is why we invested in independent laboratory results proving that the pen and the Go-3 work, when used as directed. We have contacted the NSF and the Water Quality Association about their standards for  microbiological reduction, but so far their systems are only for well established technologies like Chlorine, and UV light. They really dont have ozone standards in place. We are hoping that will change in the near future. 
If I use a bottle to get water out of a lake or stream, how would I go about purifying any water that is left on the lip/cap threads/outside of the bottle or on my hand?
You can use one bottle to collect the water and treat it, then while it is still full of ozone, (you can see/smell it), pour it into another bottle or cup to drink from, that would effectively clean the lip on it's way out of the first bottle, that would be the safest way. Or use a bottle with a sip cap that you could remove when filling and replace when it time to drink.
Does the O-Pen®  have to be able to release ozone bubbles at the very bottom of the bottle in order to purify all the water in the bottle?  How much should one be concerned about "full coverage" of the ozone bubbles throughout the water in the bottle?
The depth of the bottle is a factor: the truth is that the water should be stirred so that the ozone gets to all of it. You want to make sure you are smelling the ozone. You can always operate it multiple times, as you cant "over ozonate" the water. A better solution is to use our newest device, the GO-3 water bottle cap, it is designed to fit a standard Naglene 32 oz or 1 Liter water bottle.
Where are your products made?
It depends on which product you are talking about. The O-Pen and Ozo-Pods are made in Taiwan. The GO-3 and the MVP are made in Pulaski, WI USA with almost 100% USA made parts, (well, the case is Canadian), The Ozo-Flow systems are assembled in Pulaski, Wisconsin with parts that are domestic and imported. We are patriots, and we try very hard to source as many US made products and components as humanly possible. For example, our pod pockets are made in a sewing shop in Green Bay, WI even though we could have saved 90% of the cost by sourcing in China. 
Why haven't I heard of this before?
First of all, Roving Blue's ozone generators are an entirely new technology. To make ozone, you need oxygen. Most other ways of producing ozone involved bottled oxygen, or use oxygen in the air we breathe.  Because it is still a gas, you have to dissolve it in water, which involves pumps and or bubblers, etc. 
Our ozone generators make the ozone out of the "O" in H2O. So we can get much smaller and lower power than the other methods.
Also, There are a lot of very large chemical companies doing business here in the US that have a vested interest in people NOT getting turned on to ozone.  For example, the uses in dentistry would be fabulous, because Ozone will kill bacteria in your m---th, but our attorneys warn us we can't SAY ANYTHING like that without proper studies. Or we could get shut down.  So arranging for those studies is something we are working on.  But studies and lab tests are expensive and we are still a very small company, so it will take time, and your early support, to do them.
From all of us here at Roving Blue, thank you for your interest!
And because you made it all the way to the bottom of this page, please use this code to get a nice little discount on anything you decide to buy: IREADIT  Aren't we sneaky to bury it so deep in this page?
Why should I buy a Roving Blue ozone generator over the much cheaper ones I see on Amazon, etc?
Different technology. Our ozone generators are electrolytic, or as we like to call it, "The Power of EO3", meaning we use the oxygen in the water molecule H2O, to make our ozone. Other units use the oxygen that is in the air we breathe.  Because it is still a gas, it must be bubbled through with an airstone much like what you see in a fish tank.  If you watch closely, you will see that 99% of the ozone that is made with those cheap units just bubble up and exits the water and goes straight into the air, where you don't want it. Ozone is not safe to breathe. Buy an air unit for air cleaning, buy a water unit for water. Our ozone generators ONLY work in WATER, they dissolve the ozone directly into the water, from the water, like a cloud. Yes there will be a few bubbles, but nothing like what those other units do. Thats the main difference. You will see much higher levels of ozone in the water, much faster, than any of those systems, with less escaping into the air. Our technology also uses a lot less power and is low voltage.
How can you have electricity in water and not get shocked? 
The only way any shock can happen is if the cord is cut and submerged between the power converter and the wall, and that is never submerged.  The high voltage AC which can shock you is converted to low voltage DC, and even then the positive and negative is insulated from eachother in the pod. Water is the only way the current can move, and that is what makes the ozone on the plates.
Is ozone safe? 
Ozone is a oxidizer just like chlorine or hydrogen peroxide is. It kills microbes in essentially the same way. You can refer to any number of studies about it online, on Wikipedia, or right here on our own web page. 
We think it is actually safer than chlorine because it reverts to oxygen. That is not a scam, it is a scientific fact of chemistry. 
If you are concerned about it, you just have to wait it out.  The half-life is about a half an hour, but in reality it usually degrades much faster. Its conversion will vary with how dirty the water is, the temperature of the water (it reverts faster in warm water), and the PH of the water. Most bottled water companies use ozone in their process, but by the time it is bottled and transported, the ozone is gone.
When you use our devices, you will quickly develop the skills to determine the presence or absence of ozone. The smell and taste of ozone is strong, and a sniff and/or quick small sip will quickly tell you that it is present or not, and you will have a comfort level of how and when to consume the water. 
Why does it seem like my box was opened, did I actually get a new Ozo-Pen? 
We do open the boxes from time to time before shipping out to do quality checks, and to recharge the batteries in our in-stock inventory. Because cardboard boxes aren't really made to last for multiple opening and closings, this will sometimes cause a crease in the packaging, so it may appear that the box has been opened. (Also, since we have moved from a factory floor to our homes, during Covid, there even might be an occasional cat or dog hair on the package!) Please be assured that if you paid full price, that item is indeed brand new! We do sell "refurbished" items when we get return items, but they are clearly identified. 
I was wondering if this could be used to ozonate water for drinking?  
Short answer, yes! Our products are specifically made for drinking water purposes and for food and surface sanitation purposes.  Many of our products like the O-Pen and the GO3 water bottle pod are specifically made for drinking water.
How does the PPM of ozone compare to ozonating water with an air-based ozone generator?
The PPM of our ozone generators is typically much higher than with standard ozone generators. 1 to 3 parts per million is the usual result.  If you are curious, we do sell ozone test kits on our site, and you can test the levels for yourself.
You see, typical ozone generators require air in gas form to make ozone, and the only way the ozone can get dissolved into the water is via a bubbler of some sort, like a fish tank bubbler.  Our ozone generators are electrolytic, meaning they make ozone out of the water itself, (you need oxygen to make ozone, so we use the O in H2O), so there is much less escaping into the air.  That makes them a little safer as well, as ozone is not something you really want to be breathing in.


Ozo-pod® 50 Image View | Download
Ozo-pod® 1000 Image View | Download
How to use your new GO-3 water bottle pod Video View | Download
Ozo-Pod 50 and 1000 User Manual Document Download